Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Advanced After Effects - "Dali Madness"

For this project, I looked to some of my favorite works of art for inspiration. And Dali is my number 1 fav.

For my character, I wanted something simple. So I chose a Man's silhouette .
From there, I separated the jaw into a new layer, and created eyes using simple shapes, also in separate layers. I also stretched him out a bit to give him a more cartoony look.

Then, I parented the jaw and eyeball to the head, animated his entrance and exit, then rotated the jaw for the dialogue, which I recorded simply with quicktime.  I brought the dialogue into soundtrack pro to get rid of the background noise. Just a quick clean up.

After slapping the audio into the after effects track, I just synced them up with the jaw movement and that's it. One weird little animation.

Advanced After Effects - "Dali Madness" from Casey Redmon on Vimeo.

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